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Henley Bank High School

Henley Bank High School

Japanese visit 2023

On Friday 10th November, we welcomed back our friends from the Shukutoku Sugamo Senior High School in Tokyo as part of their annual visit to Gloucestershire and the Cotswolds.

41 year 11’s and their teachers came over to our school to do some presentations, which they have been writing and practising for a few weeks now, and to run some workshops with our year 9 students. The morning started off with a welcome speech from our head students, Seren and Riley and from Mr Derry. Our guests then did their own welcome speech before beginning their presentations on a range of topics including Japanese traditions, cultures, foods, games, holidays, Anime and sport. Year 9 then took part in a rotation of workshops which included Nininn-Boari, Daumasan-ga-Koronda and  Calligraphy. They had a fantastic time and really enjoyed sharing their knowledge of the games and our students really enjoyed taking part. The morning was finished with a tour of the school by our year 10 students who took them round to showcase the wonderful work of our younger students and to get a taste of British education! We look forward to welcoming them back next year.