The school has a behaviour curriculum which teaches pupils to do what is expected of them, including to:
- Behave in a safe and respectful way.
- Show respect to members of staff and each other.
- In Class, make it possible for all pupils to learn, support and promote a disruption-free environment.
- Move quietly and calmly around the school as directed.
- Care for the school buildings and school property.
- Wear the correct uniform at all times, including to and from school and home.
- Accept sanctions when given, seeing it as an opportunity to correct wrong choices.
- Refrain from behaving in a way that brings the school into disrepute, including when outside the school or online, including travel to and from school.
Lessons at Henley Bank High School are disruption free. Our behaviour policy can be found here.
The school expects all children to be treated with respect and we respond decisively where bullying is found to be taking place. There is no legal definition of bullying, however our definition of bullying is: the repetitive, intentional harming of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying is, therefore, behaviour that is:
- Deliberately hurtful.
- Repeated, often over a period of time.
- Difficult to defend against.
Our anti-bullying strategy can be found here.
Henley Bank High school requires students to wear school uniform. We believe that a school uniform provides a sense of belonging and identity whilst setting an appropriate tone for an education setting.
Details of our school uniform requirements can be found below.
In developing our school uniform we have carefully considered what is required practically for classroom lessons or for sport, safeguarding and health and safety considerations, and our obligations under the Equality Act 2010, and we have taken account of the wishes of parents and pupils.
We have also considered the cost implications for families and different groups of pupils and have sought best value - we have minimised the number of branded items so that parents have a choice of where they can shop, and we will avoid frequent uniform changes so that clothes can be passed on.
If you have any questions about our uniform, or are struggling through financial hardship, please contact us on admin@henleybankhighschool.co.uk and we can support you.
Complaints about our school uniform should be dealt with under the school complaints policy which can be found here.
To visit Monkhouse Schoolwear please click here.
School Uniform
For all students, the uniform is:
- School blazer
- School tie
- Plain white work-style shirt or blouse – long- or short-sleeved to be tucked in at all times
- Tailored black trousers, or the school skirt (only the skirt approved by the school and provided by our uniform supplier). Trousers should be completely plain black and tailored. No “fashion” extremes will be tolerated (tight, skinny fit, stretchy, low rise, chinos, jeans, drainpipe, Miss Sixty, linen, leggings or cropped) Trousers should sit comfortably over the laces and not pulled down over them
- Formal and professional plain black shoes – these should be of a material that can be polished. No canvas shoes, suede shoes, trainers or military style / doctor martin boots
- Plain round or v-necked jumper can be purchased from our uniform suppliers. This is optional and can be worn under the blazer, but not instead of a blazer
- Black Socks
- Tights (no leggings) - should be plain black and not patterned. White socks over tights are not permitted
During cold/wet weather, students are encouraged to wear an outside, waterproof coat for the journey to and from school and during break time and lunchtime. Please note that denim / leather jackets and hoodies are NOT permitted and such items will be confiscated on site
Uniform will be worn correctly at all times
Shirts will be tucked in at all times
Blazer sleeves will be worn down and not rolled up
Skirts will be worn to a length of 2 inches above the knee or longer
Jackets will not be worn indoors and must be removed before roll call
In cases where medical reasons require a modification to the uniform policy, notice on letter headed paper from a medical professional must be addressed to the Head detailing the reason and may still be refused.
Notes from parents will not be accepted for missing/forgotten items of uniform or medical dispensations
PE Kit
To ensure that students look presentable and comfortable during their PE lessons and other sports events we expect all students to be in full Henley Bank High School PE kit. This kit can only be sourced from Monkhouse Schoolwear.
Please note that only sports items listed can be worn at Henley Bank High School and all other items are not permitted.
Sanctions will be issues in cases where PE kit fails to meet the high standard expected. Incorrect PE kit may result in the exclusion from lessons and/or after school sporting events including representation in competitive school teams.
Essential | Highly Recommended |
Henley Bank High School polo shirt |
Henley Bank High School thermal skins |
Henley Bank High School shorts or skort or leggings |
Henley Bank High School quarter zip or waterproof jacket |
Henley Bank High School hooped long socks |
Trainers (any brand – suitable and hard wearing) |
PE kit expectations
If a student forgets their kit the first time in a half term, the student will borrow a spare kit to access the lesson and will receive a social removal slip in roll call the next day.
If a student forgets their kit the second time in a half term, the student will borrow a spare kit to access the lesson, and receive a social removal slip in roll call the next day, and their PE teacher will call home to check that you are aware, and whether we can help in any way.
If a student forgets their kit for a third time in a half term, this will result in the student being sent to APC. The class teacher will call home as they would for a normal APC removal.
Please note that if a student refuses to borrow the provided spare PE kit, this will be deemed defiance, and will result in the student being place in the APC.
Uniform Expectations
Uniform Expectations
The following expectations apply to all students:
The only jewellery which is acceptable is a wrist watch and one pair of small plain gold or silver stud earrings, one earring per ear. Any other form of jewellery is not allowed. Henley Bank High School does not allow facial piercings of any kind, including transparent piercing retainers. Students will be asked to remove any other piercings if they are visible. Failure to do so will result in the student spending the day in the APC where they will remain until any prohibited piercings are removed.
No extreme hairstyle or dyed hair is allowed, including dip-dyed. Hair is to be of natural colour and only one colour. This includes tramlines and other shaved patterns, Mohican or skinhead-type styles. Hair must be no shorter than grade 2. Students arriving in school with an unacceptable hairstyle will be sent to the APC. Male and female students with long hair must tie it back for PE, Technology and Science lessons. Students will remain in the APC until any prohibited hair styles are returned to acceptable styles. Please note: please make informed decisions with your children with respect to piercings and hair styles that may be changed during school breaks – If a student’s arrives on their first day back with prohibited styles or piercings they will be isolated immediately from mainstream students until the situation is resolved.
No make-up of any kind should be worn by students. This includes foundation, lipstick, lip-gloss, mascara, blusher, eye shadow, eyeliner, brow liner and nail varnish (including false nails and false eyelashes). Students arriving in school wearing makeup, nail varnish or false nails will be asked to remove it. Failure to do so will result in the student being sent to the APC.
For health and safety reasons, aerosols (including but not limited to deodorants, hairsprays, body sprays and aftershaves) are not to be used in school.
At Henley Bank High School, we take your children's education seriously. We believe that learning readiness is critical to ensuring maximum time in lessons is spent building the skills and knowledge that, through a fantastic education, will contribute to the conversion of their dreams into reality. To ensure that every second, of every minute, of every lesson counts our expectations are that the student has the equipment below with them at the start of every day.
Classroom Learning Equipment
Essential |
Highly Recommended |
Clear, colourless pencil case (provided) |
Pair of compasses |
1 ruler (provided) |
Protractor 180 degrees |
2 pencils (provided) |
Colouring pencils |
Spare writing pens |
Highlighters |
Scientific calculator (recommended Casio fx-83GTX Scientific Calculator) |
2 blue/black pens (provided) |
Reading book for DEAR Time |
Purple pen (provided) |
Whiteboard pen (provided) |